Beeston Road Club AGM

Thursday 5th March 2024 – Metro Café, Beeston. Minutes

Apologies were received from Mick Hart and Shereen Khan.

Chairman’s Introduction

Mick Hart was unable to attend as he was in hospital so Gary Clegg chaired the meeting.

Mick had previously stated that he is willing to continue in the role of club Chairman, a position he has held for 28 years.

Secretary’s Report

Gary thanked Sue Kudryk for the use of the Metro Café for the AGM.

Gary presented the secretary’s report outlining club activities and events, details of which are as follows:

The Summer Social Rides were well attended in 2023. They remain very popular with the core of club riders that attend regularly. The summer social rides will continue to run weekly in the summer of 2023.

The Sunday club runs have maintained their popularity and are well attended.

The Presidents Run

Two Presidents Runs took place in 2023. The rides will be run again in 2024.

Breeze Rides

Breeze rides are a British Cycling initiative to attract more women into cycling. Zillah Turner continues to lead the Breeze Rides and they are very popular.

Social Events

The club held a Christmas meal at Bistro 66 in Beeston, it was fairly well attended and a good night.

A social evening and prize presentation took place at the Beeston Social on the 23rd February.

Membership – The club has adult membership of 36 paid up members (including  5 life members) plus the Go Ride section members.

Treasurer’s Report

Mike Davis presented the treasurer’s report.

The treasurer’s accounts were formerly accepted by a vote.

The club is in a good financial state so there is no need to increase the subs for 2024.

Go-Ride report

Louise presented a report of the Go-Ride section.

Membership of the Go Ride section remains stable after new riders joined in spring 2023. We have approximately 20 members.

The base at Harvey Hadden remains good, with storage space, a winter spin studio and a summer track slot all for a reasonable fee. This is a great facility for the club.

We continued the successful partnership with British Cycling last summer with several riders attending race training sessions with Karl. These evenings were split into new rider races and then a club session for the local go ride members after the race. BRC delivered two sessions. The aim was to provide something for new riders and for those already racing.

The support from British Cycling has dropped off recently due to cutbacks on local staff and we need to reconnect with their new local contact. We do however have two riders in the RSR. Andrew is in the RSR for road and track and Brodie is in RSR for road.

Thirteen members completed the presidents shield in 2023 with a variety of rides – distance, track, racing, TT, hill climb and rollers. They were presented with a shield at the end of season event in February. Four riders also received medals of achievement. This was a successful challenge, and we will ask the president if he wishes to issue a challenge for 2024. Events included a hill climb, TT on the East Leake Circuit, 50 miler, 25 miler, and several races at HH.

Members continued to race in the different areas and riders of all ages have competed well: we have had good turnout at the Notts and Derby CX League in all age groups, the Leicester CX league (mainly Josh Kite) with several podium finishes. Andrew, Brodie and Josh raced in a combination of Darley Moor, Mallory and the youth track league on Monday evenings. In October, Lindsay left the club after 10 years with us (and latterly with a women’s race team.)

In terms of personnel, Adam and I have been helped by young members of the club – Pippa and Caitlyn have been down to support on Monday nights with the younger riders. We need to recruit more coaching support and we have two parents who are looking to complete coaching awards. We have not progressed this yet as BC have redone all their courses and local ones are yet to be published. Caitlyn is also looking to complete her track course when one is scheduled for Derby.

We would like to once again thank Sandra for her support in coordinating the track sessions, making sure that our riders have access to the velodrome. She is stepping down this year and has handed over to Helen. We also have a parent supporting with Welfare training, and this will be to share the role with Zillah. And thanks to all our parents who continue to support us and make the Go Ride club happen.

What’s next?
We are making an activity plan for the summer – racing and riding. Some members do not want to race but want to enjoy the different elements of the sport. We ran a varied programme last year due to the president’s challenge and this catered for all tastes. Already this year we have a weekend away planned and a parent / child velodrome session later this month.

We want to keep expanding, so will continue to do open nights and taster sessions to encourage new riders to join.

Louise O’Reilly & Adam Smith, 23 February 2023

Mike Davis stated that he is willing to sponsor a Presidents Challenge in 2024. Details of the form that will take to be agreed.

Diversity Officers report

Shereen was unable to attend the meeting.

Election of officers.

Roles up for election:




Mike Davis stood again for President. – Was re-elected.

Mick Hart stood again for Chairman. - Was re-elected.

Gary Clegg stood again for Secretary. - Was re-elected

Zillah Turner to continue in the role of Welfare Officer, The Go Ride Secretary and Covid Officer.

A Deputy Welfare Officer , Natalie Walters, is to be appointed. The club agreed to fund her training.

Shereen Khan to continue as Diversity Officer.


A discussion took place regarding various club activities and members willing to help. James Mather has offered to run a charity ride event in the summer – details to follow, Rodney Rouse has agreed to resurrect the club chain gangs.

Gary Mather suggested the club holds periodic collective meetings for members to get together to discuss and organise club events. Th e first meeting is to be held on the 26th Marcg in the Metro Café at 7:30pm

Meeting closed at 9pm.